Sunday, February 10, 2008

Re: Sotto & my love for Maya Lin

Hi Juls,
I love that piece...the one that looks like a wheat field. It's beautiful.
I like the idea of small things making up a whole. So the individual pieces aren't extraordinary, but together they form a much interesting idea. This reminds me of Maya Lin's Systematic Landscapes. I saw this exhibit in Seattle last year. I like that her work in general is very organic and reflective of environment and she is amazingly conceptual without being too abstract.

Here is a great link to a documentary about her work that I found on YouTube.

I know some of the work I want to do has to do with the idea of small marks making up a larger landscape/image, akin to the idea of pointilism. There is a similarity in minimal materials, easiness of design and repetitive actions in the type of mark making, where the meditative quality of the process comes through in both Sotto's and Lin's works.

I also wanted to comment on the "kinetics" piece you saw. I really liked your description of how "you could understand the chaos but felt at peace with the order." I can imagine that when I see the picture of the installation.

I wish I was able to see more engaging art...I am devoid of that much needed stimulus. I'm happy to get to see what you see and that you can share your experiences with me. This is the best idea we ever had! =)

I'll try to post some drawings I did recently tomorrow.