Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Someone elses Moleskine

I love molskines and people's amazing sketches in them...

especially architectural illustrations. By CallanBowes off of Flickr.

Perspective drawing of my wall and rafters from my bed...


100percentjulie said...

sorry for not posting as often and doing more of the commenting. i love moleskins as well but i think they're so precious that i have a hard time using them. also, i love people's sketches and sometimes, i am hesitant because i'm afraid my sketches won't look "as good as" other peoples'. how dumb does that sound? maybe that's what i'll do. take some courage and post sketches of my own on my next blog... thank u for the encouragement.

JAX said...

hey juls,
don't worry about posting (often or not your presence is felt)...and i would not want us to feel pressure to post or comment. Although I think we will benefit and grow from continuous communication. I think this more of a resource and a space to go to for inspiration and like you said, encouragement...let's just keep on keeping on.