Friday, February 8, 2008

i went to see an exhibition yesterday called "os cinéticos" and i must say that i was a bit prejudiced before i went. i thought that it'd be cool because i'd see things moving and i'd get a feel for technology and industry coming into the art field... but it was so much more than that. i'm so happy i went. the link for the poster of the exhibition is
(sorry it's such an extensive and long address)

either way, i was very moved by what seemed like a wheat field by jesús rafael soto made up of simple thin sticks (like things you use to make a kebab with) painted yellow. also nice illusion it made as you walked around it. (sorry no photographs in the gallery space...)

another artwork that i feel is very memorable is another sculpture/installation by keiji kawashima.
it is called "between order and chaos" and it's so beautiful how all the pieces work together. they are very precisely placed so that nothing hits anything else. they are kinetic (from the word in greek that means "movement") because there are fans blowing into these light circular 2D "plates." so the individual parts are constantly swirling back and forth, this way and that, yet, at the same time, because they are all moving and all the same color, they look very much in unison. this is a beautiful piece that is, to me, very representative of humankind, in general. i feel like i could understand its chaos but was definitely at peace with its order.

a few other names i wrote down:

- sergio camargo
- francisco sobrino
- julio le parc

posted by juls