this started out as a comment but turned out longer therefore, it's a post.
i think about what i call "one liners" quite frequently. they are not necessarily quotes. in a whole text, there's always one line, sentence, or phrase, that sums up the whole concept of what the person is trying to say. those, to me, are "one liners."
i used to grab "one liners" from my old diaries and use them in my artwork. i once replaced fortunes from cookies with one liners from my diaries. the concept was, basically, that history repeats itself in a small scale and also, that whatever is very specific is also very general. whatever i wrote in those diaries, the viewer has also felt or experienced.
i still have interest in working with old diaries and one liners and i wanted to go into "accessories" as well. i'm always very interested in extremely short pieces of information that convey a lot. i wanted to embroider the one liners from diaries on satin, baby color, ribbons and use them as bracelets. i wonder if people would have any interest, in buying or reading, them as well... (i never found anyone who would embroider such a variety of things on ribbon. i don't want to print 1000 of the same phrase. i'd like variety. if you do know of anyone, definitely let me know because i'll do it!)

do you know these brazilian "fitas do senhor do bonfim"? you tie them on your wrist and make 3 knots. for every knot, you make a wish and we say that your wishes will come true when the bracelet wears out/comes undone/tears. i love the thought that i can wish for things with such an ease and i think it's beautifully brazilian to think that these wishes really will come true and that is why so many people wear them. hm... maybe i should put one back on...